Plant Catalogue Archive - Medallion Plants

Caring for Your Perennials - 1

Caring for Your Perennials - 2

Caring for Your Perennials - 3

Get the garden tools out. This could include rakes, hoes, trowels, shovels, pruners, saws, wheel barrows, and leaf bags because you may need them all. Pull on the garden gloves for hand protection but expect to still get dirty, it is part of the fun.

As a bonus there are so many health benefits to gardening. It can be physically and mentally rewarding, so we encourage you to dig right in.

Water, Weed, Repeat

Get your  perennial garden well established by following these simple instructions:

Use the soaker setting on the spray nozzle and water at the base of the plant to avoid getting the foliage wet. Overwatering plants can cause brown and wilting leaves, stunted growth and harm to root system.

Weed the garden using a hoe or sharp blade to slice them off under the soils surface or pull by hand trying to get the whole root removed.

Edge and keep things tidy by creating a perimeter with an edging tool or put in a permanent one.

Apply fertilizer in spring to encourage more buds and less greenery.

Mulching helps maintain moisture, prevent weeds and insulate plants. Mulch should be about 5-8 cm (3 in.) deep.

Deadhead (remove) dried up buds and damaged leaves for potential for reblooming.

Bring evidence of plant damage to your local garden centre so they can help find something to relieve plants of disease or pest infestation.

It is important to stake top heavy plants to keep them in place and sturdy.

Prune plants only when it is required, if in doubt, don't do it, as it can be more damaging than helpful.

Sharing plants helps everyone sustain beautiful perennial gardens. Split overgrown plants and transplant them in another space or offer them to other gardeners.